Friday, March 18, 2011 Member of the Month

Tom Hauser
T & D Dog Training

Web Address:
Address: Long Island,, NY,

So your best friend needs training?

Don't feel bad, so do many other dogs, and that is why so many great dogs end up in shelters year after year. Just think if their owners would have given them a fair chance! In addition to the family dog, we have also handled and trained many problem shelter dogs waiting for adoptions into new homes. At T & D Dog Training we are committed to keep your best friend in your home.

Spring has Sprung in the Three Villages

The tern colony opposite Sand Street Beach springs to life!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring has Sprung in the Three Villages

Robins on Stony Brook Village Green pulling worms!

New Year, New Growth, New Challenges!

Hello all!

Well it seems that the snow is almost over and soon I will be out again with my camera spring taking photos to be included in our mailings. I never knew that brown grass could look so good!

We are always working hard to grow and improve the site and appreciate your contribution to our growth. We are now posting our calendars and newsletter on our blog so why don't you book mark it so that it is handy when ever you need it, or better still, become a follower.

Thanks so much for being part of our online networking community. It is all of YOU that make it so special.

For those of you who are still working on your New Years resolutions, or for those of you who are losing motivation towards your personal goals, whether they involve finances, personal growth, health or home we hope that this issue is an inspiration to you!

Wishing you success,
Wendy Martin

Seasonal tips from members of ThreeVillagePeople...

1. Celebrate Sing with your Child Month!
Marie Kaminski

2. Though Life May Seem Dark & Cloudy
- Remember -
One Day the Sun Will Shine Again!
Carol Carter
phone: 6314763099

3. When working out is to remember to breath. Sometimes you focus on a particular move so hard that you forget to breath, and breathing is important.
Noah Lam

4. Increase your chance of losing weight by working out with a partner or club
Noah Lam

5. SAT testing dates are around the corner. Call TODAY to schedule your private prep sessions.

Melanie Rasmussen, President
Reach for the Stars Tutoring, Inc. 631.642.7876





phone: 631-689-3570

Find us on

Spring Ahead with Omega Planning Associates by KATHY PAGARTANIS, Director of Marketing, Omega Planning Associates

It's been a long, cold winter but if you take a close look you will see the days are staying lighter a little longer every day. Thus, imparting newness and change. The economy is continually showing signs of growth. The consumer index rose to its highest point in 8 months indicating Americans are increasingly confident that better days are upon us. After two years of frugality, Americans are spending again! Credit cards and auto loans are up. Banks are reporting an increase in willingness to make consumer installment loans. The NY Stock Exchange released data showing margin credit(money that investors borrow to buy shares) increased from 233 billion to 276 billion in December, reflecting a sharply higher stock market but also an appetite for borrowing.

General Motors workers will see performance bonuses of 4% to 16% of their base salaries with a small group seeing payments equal to as much as 50%. Disney posted a 54% jump in earnings in the last quarter and McDonald's sales rose 5.3% in January. Dow Chemical reported sharply higher 4th quarter profit this week. AOL earnings rose and GE equipment orders rose 20%. Labor markets are finally healing and unemployment is slowly declining.

It is also time to look at your investment, is it reflecting enough of a positive change? If you don't have a portfolio, this is the time to start one. We are proud to say that our business is continually growing in this challenging economy. Omega Planning Associates is here to provide you with excellent services with Mutual Funds, Annuities, College Funding/Financial Aid, Business Planning, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Estate Planning, 403b, Retirement Planning and Will and Trust Analysis. We invite you to come and grow with us as we are experiencing wonderful results for our investment clients. To contact Omega Planning Associates, call:631-689-5900 or visit our website:

Kathy Pagartanis
phone: 631-689-5900

Celebrate Sing with your Child! by Marie Kaminski

March is Sing with your Child Month! This is
a special time to commemorate singing, dancing and making music within families.

So find some favorite songs to sing, put on at tune to get up and dance to or find an instrument to play and s
hare some music with your family.

Did you know that singing actually lowers your cortisol level!! So the added benefit is less stress for you and
your child. If you want to get some new music making ideas you can schedule a visit to one of our area Music Together classes too!

Marie Kaminski
phone: 631-208-4003

You Can Create Positive Growth In 2011 by Cynthia Lindner, MS, Advanced Hypnotherapy

Growth usually equals Positive Change. Traditionally, as we approach the end of one year and the beginning of a new year we find ourselves reflecting on our goals and accomplishments, We also look at what areas we can improve upon, and make plans to do just that. We often resolve to change, make more of our future, and give up old habits. We promise to construct some changes to make things better for ourselves. Though, any time old patterns become uncomfortable can become the time we decide to create a positive change, and growth. The focus may be on personal health issues such as weight control and stopping smoking, or other ways of making life better, like having the family together for dinner more than just a couple of nights a week, to not get so stressed out while driving, or to finally save some money just to be used for an emergency a beginning to fiscal well-being. Unfortunately, by publishing time of this article many people have already given up, but it doesn't have to be that way.

These familiar resolutions are really transitions. And, transitioning into a new lifestyle or behavior successfully requires some planning and self-reflection. When we choose to make such a transition, we need to give up our old definitions of the world, our old ways of doing things, and we find ourselves challenged by the process of 'letting go'. Endings are difficult for most people, even when we are unhappy with the way things used to be because we are more comfortable with what is familiar. The unknown can cause uneasy feelings. Once we let go, however, we enter a period of feeling disconnected from the past but not yet connected to the present this has been called the neutral zone. This is when we can benefit from much self-reflection, and assess what we really want out of life. It is also a time when we can reorient ourselves toward the future and really embrace the new personal growth and having a qualified professional guiding and helping you through the process can help you to achieve the personal growth that you desire. Please feel free to call and have a private discussion about your situation.

Cynthia Lindner, MS
phone: 631 473-0405

Creating Your 2011 New Year's Resolution Recipe for Success by Lee Cirillo Fitness Together Port Jefferson

It's that time of year again when many of us make New Year's resolutions to improve our health and well-being. Unfortunately, we often have a tough time sticking to our goals, and by the time Valentine's Day rolls around, our best-laid plans may have gone by the wayside. That's why now is the time to create your recipe for New Year's resolution success.

According to the dictionary, a 'resolution' means both a firm decision and a firmness of purpose, or determination. The decision part of the resolution equation should be planned out carefully. Here are five tried and true tips for New Year's resolution success that incorporate both decision and determination:

1. Set attainable goals. The biggest mistake people usually make in outlining their New Year's resolutions is to set unattainable goals. Try to set achievable goals so that you're ensured of success. It's important to understand that big changes come from a combination of many small changes over time. Instead of making a New Year's resolution to lose 30 pounds (and you haven't been at that goal weight since high school), why not set a goal to lose 5 pounds by Valentine's Day?

2. Get support from a personal trainer. Change is always easier to accomplish when another person is cheering you on. Two heads are better than one when it comes to making decisions and the determination to complete your goals. Share your resolution verbally with someone you trust. Talk about your plans with another person and review them often, together. A verbal commitment can help people cement a firm decision in their mind.

3. Plan ahead and outline a schedule for getting you to your goal. Tracking your progress is extremely helpful for keeping you on target. It also allows your support person or trainer to help you more efficiently. And don't forget to reward yourself with small gifts for succeeding with your weekly 'mini-goals.'

4. Never strive for perfection. Everyone has a temporary blip where they fall off the horse occasionally, especially under times of duress. Lapses are an important part of the process of making successful permanent changes. Share these temporary setbacks with your trainer and it will ultimately help you to strengthen your resolve.

5. Visualize yourself after you've attained your goals. Visualization can be a strong motivational tool for many people, particularly when they 'see' the positive rewards of making those behavioral changes.

You can achieve your goals with the help of Fitness Together. Fitness Together offers one-on-one sessions with experienced personal trainers who will develop a program tailored to your needs and goals. An important part of their program is Nutrition Together, which provides nutritional counseling to complement your workouts. Let Fitness and Nutrition Together help you create this year's New Year's Resolution Recipe for success.
Here's to your health and happiness in 2011!

Lee Cirillo

phone: 631-473-8200

Creating Your Happy New Year by Frank Lindner, MS, LMHC, Counseling Services

Positive Psychology is of of the the most popular courses at Harvard University, with the goal of teaching how to put positive emotion to work in your life.

Numerous scientific studies, support the notion that positive emotions have been linked with better health, longer life, and greater well being On the other hand, chronic anger, worry, and hostility increase the risk of developing heart disease, as the human body naturally responds to these feelings with raised blood pressure and stiffening blood vessels. A Harvard School of Public Health study found that people who are generally hopeful were less likely to develop hypertension, diabetes, or respiratory tract infection than those who were less hopeful.

Tips for Creating Happiness:

First give yourself permission to be human. Accepting emotions such as fear, sadness, or anxiety as natural, Helps us to be more likely to overcome them. Rejecting our emotions, wether positive or negative, can lead to feelings of frustration and unhappiness.

Become involved in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. When this is not practical, make sure you have happiness boosters, such as moments throughout the week that provide you with both pleasure and meaning.

Keep in mind that happiness is mostly dependent on our state of mind, not on our status or the state of our bank account. Barring extreme circumstances, our level of well being is determined by what we choose to focus on (the full or the empty part of the glass) and by our interpretation of external events. For example, do we view failure as catastrophic, or do we see it as a learning opportunity?

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple) Simplify your life! We have become a culture that is too busy, by trying to squeeze in more and more activities into less and less available time. Quantity influences quality, and we compromise on our happiness by doing too much.

Remember the mind-body connection. What we do (or don't do) with our bodies influences our mind.

Get regular exercise, restorative sleep, and be mindful about eating healthfully.

Using healthy relaxation such as guided imagery or meditation lead to both physical and mental health.

Finally express gratitude, whenever possible. We too often take our lives and experiences for granted. Learn to appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life, from people to food, from nature to a smile.
name: Frank Lindner, MS, LMHC
phone: (631) 473-0405

Walk... Don't Run Towards Simplicity by Eileen Koff, To The Next Level . Excerpts by Brook Noel

I am not a simple person. The old wives tale says that we are born 'simple' with basic needs of food, love, shelter--but I don't know if I believe that. I think I was born complicated. When I was eight, I wanted my mother to explain to me what the purpose of life was. I came into this world complicated - and I have remained complicated - until recently.

When the simplicity movement burst on the scene a decades or so ago, I'll be honest--I laughed. I thought simplicity was for people who 'couldn't keep up with life. or those that REALLY loved Birkenstock shoes. I didn't realize then, as I do now, that simplicity was for people who wanted a better way to live. I, like many of us, had bought in to the hype that the more I had, the more I did, the more I squeezed into a day - the richer my life would be. When I read about the simplicity movement, the thought of 'giving something up' made my stomach churn. I had worked so hard to amass and acquire - why would I want to give it up? It wasn't until recently that I learned that happiness and true joy aren't discovered in the fast lane. You might find exhilaration and excitement that propels you forward - but you won't find the joy, happiness, contentment and peace we all so desperately crave.

'The problem with the rat race is
that even if you win... you're still a rat.'
Lily Tomlin

The idea of scaling back and letting go scared me. What if I missed something? I liked being at the 'head of the pack' because I believed I had the best view. What I learned was that I could see in front of me - I could see what was coming, but I couldn't see or enjoy what was happening in the moment.

As I looked deeper and confronted my own fears about the simple life, I realized simplicity didn\'t require living in a tee pee, getting rid of electricity and eating food I had grown and cultivated by hand (although for some people simplicity might involve those things)... simplicity meant deciding that I would run my life, getting off the treadmill, living consciously and deliberately-- making decisions that brought joy. Simplicity means trading in 'busyness' for meaning, trading in confusion for clarity, trading in the 'rat costume' for personal peace. Simplicity is about spending less time chasing and more time enjoying. It is about spending less time acquiring and more time experiencing. Simplicity is about spending less time managing life and more time living it. Getting off the treadmill isn't easy. We have to combat the many messages we see and hear every day and learn to believe and trust ourselves. Instead of 'buying-in' to our commercial culture, we 'opt-out' and forge our own path. The reward for those who accept the challenge is great. Instead of living a life on autopilot, you live a life designed by clear decisions that align with what brings you and those important to you, true joy.

Eileen Koff CPO
Certified professional organizer
Excerpts by Brook Noel
name: Eileen Koff
phone: 631-553-0068

"Thinking Your Way To Wellness" North Island Physical Therapy Lecture Series Begins Mind-Body Wellness Series Starts March 29

Remember what it was like to walk, dance, hike or run - without feeling that pain of movement that slows you down and makes you stop?

The good news is that chronic pain can be addressed by a combination of mental and physical exercise - and that\'s the theme of the spring lecture series offered at no charge here in Stony Brook.

On March 29, North Island Physical Therapy begins its Spring Lecture Series, 'Thinking Your Way to Wellness,' with a talk and demonstration by Mark Marino called Focus! Decrease Your Pain by Using Your Brain. The program begins 7:30. Further programs in the series will offer additional ways of developing the mind's ability to alleviate physical pain.

The program is free at the clinic, located at 2500 Nesconset Hwy, 22B in The Stony Brook Medical Park.

Mr. Marino, a Certified Functional Manual Therapist with a master's degree in physical therapy, will offer strategies, both physical and mental, for coping with acute and chronic pain after an injury.

You can improve your emotional state by changing your focus from negative aspects of your life, perhaps those associated with a physical condition, to positive ones, said Mr. Marino, founder of North Island Physical Therapy, and one of only about 150 Certified Functional Manual Therapists in the country. "It's about mental focus. You can make feeling good and being well the norm, not the exception."

He added. "With chronic pain, our mind focuses on pain and we see ourselves as connected with that pain," Mr. Marino said. "Feeling pain becomes normal. The good news is we can reverse this process. We can raise our level of awareness and focus on what we choose."

The mind-body approach reflects Mr. Marino's personal philosophy, following a severe car accident 15 years ago that left him in chronic pain. Recovering from a lumbar spine fracture, a serious head wound and multiple fractures, he supplemented the physical therapy he was receiving with a series of unique mental and physical exercises of his own devising.
" 'Thinking Your Way to Wellness' reflects the mind-body connection that has allowed me to live a pain-free life," Mr. Marino said. "Others can too. The fact is, many people tolerate a level of chronic pain unnecessarily."

Other lectures in the series include 'Time Concepts & Wellness' ,Thursday, April 28; and 'Leverage for Life, Tuesday, May 24.

All events are free and held at the clinic, beginning 7:30. Seating is limited, advance registration is recommended. Call or email

More information is available on the Web at .
Mark Marino
phone: 631 751 7988

Words to Live By for everyone! by Carol Carter, Sunshine Prevention Center

Make me a channel of thy peace
That where there is hatred, I may bring love
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness
That where they is error, I may bring truth
That where they is doubt, I may bring faith
That where there is despair I may bring hope
That where there is sadness, I may bring joy
That were there are shadows, I may bring light

phone: 6314763099

"Focus on Fixed Income" George Smith

Edward Jones provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm's business, from the types of investment options offered to the location of branch offices, is designed to cater to individual investors in the communities in which they live and work. The firm's 12,000-plus financial advisors work directly with nearly 7 million clients to understand their personal goals -- from college savings to retirement -- and create long-term investment solutions that emphasize a well-balanced portfolio and a buy-and-hold strategy. Edward Jones embraces the importance of building long-term, face-to-face relationships with clients, helping them to understand and make sense of the investment options available today.

Edward Jones, which ranked No. 11 on FORTUNE magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" in 2011, is headquartered in St. Louis. The Edward Jones web site is located at, and its recruiting web site is Member SIPC.

George Ellsworth Smith
Edward Jones
1067a Route 25a
Stony Brook, NY 11790
(631) 444-0179

Monday, February 28, 2011

March 1, 8, 15, 22, 28
Every Tuesday except for 3/29 which we will have the club on Monday 3/28

Commack/Dix Hills Fit Club
Join the action at a FREE weekly workout. Plenty of inspiration, motivation and calories burned! Become passionate about feeling and looking great, and taking care of your body, so your body will take care of you.

Each week we will choose a workout from a different Beachbody program... P90X, Power 90, TurboJam, Slim in 6, Brazil Butt Lift, Insanity, etc. Everything can be modified - just moving is the most important thing! Nutritious drink and bar samples will be served post-workout. Appointments for free, one-on-one fitness counseling will be available, as well as information on upcoming, related community events. (There's a pretty exciting one coming up!)

We will meet every Tuesday evening, from 7:15-8:30pm at Commack Middle School (700 Vanderbilt Pkwy., Dix Hills), in the main cafeteria. Please be prompt. It is important to let us know if you are intending on coming so that we may reserve your spot, inform you of anything you need to bring (besides water and a towel), and if there are any cancellations.

Tell them Noah sent you

To reserve or for more information, please email me at or visit
cost: Free time: 7:15-8:30pm location: Commack Middle School, organization: Commack/Dix Hills Fit Club
contact: Noah Lam email:

Find Noah Lam on

March 2 - 30
Art Exhibition at The North Shore Public Library in Shoreham
"Winds of Change" and European Impressions Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor paintings by Eileen Weilbacher will be on exhibit at the Shoreham "North Shore Public Library". Reception held on March 6th, Sunday, from 2:30 - 4 pm. Light refreshments served. All are welcome and it's Free.
location: 250 Route 25A, Shoreham. One traffic light east of the William Floyd Parkway. See Library sign, turn right.
organization: Be Healthy Now!

March 3
Rudy Perrone

Songs from "The Language of Spirits", "Guitar in the Kitchen", "Oceans of Art" and new unreleased compositions .... CD Collections are available on performance evenings......

March 3 and 10
Chakra Energy Balancing Series
Our Chakra centers control how information and energy is translated; connecting our mind, body and spirit. This 2 part transformational series starting Thursday, March 3rd includes specific information about the individual chakras such as where they are located and which organs and belief systems they govern. Then by using guided visualization, supportive affirmations and Reiki energy medicine, we will bring healing and clearing to each chakra as well as the surrounding Auric field. This will bring balance to ones energy and enable participants to remain grounded. Presented by Birgit 'Billie' Weiss, RMT CH and Jennifer Wichard, RMT; founders of Zententions.

Registration Required, call (631) 775-6012 or visit
cost: 30 per session time: 6:00-7:30pm
location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
organization: Zententions
contact: Billie phone: 631-775-6012

Find Zententions on

March 4
The Jelly Band
10:00 PMTickets: $5 @ the door
The Velvet Lounge, 10 Woods Corner Road, East Setauket, NY 11733, 631-751-4845

Find The Velvet Lounge on

March 4
Cassoulet Dinne
Every Friday, $39 Prix Fixe Menu (changes weekly) $19 Tasting of 3 Wines

Mirabelle Restaurant

March 8
Edward Jones Financial Advisor Hosts
"Focus on Fixed Income" Seminar
Edward Jones provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm's business, from the types of investment options offered to the location of branch offices, is designed to cater to individual investors in the communities in which they live and work. The firm's 12,000-plus financial advisors work directly with nearly 7 million clients to understand their personal goals -- from college savings to retirement -- and create long-term investment solutions that emphasize a well-balanced portfolio and a buy-and-hold strategy. Edward Jones embraces the importance of building long-term, face-to-face relationships with clients, helping them to understand and make sense of the investment options available today.

time: 6:00pm
location: Mario's, 212 Main St., Setauket
contact: George Ellsworth Smith, 631-444-0179

March 11
· Hot Molecule
· Multiple Mono
· DJ Rob Paterson
10:00 PM Tickets: $5.00
The Velvet Lounge, 10 Woods Corner Road, East Setauket, NY 11733, 631-751-4845

Find The Velvet Lounge on

March 12

· Lo Fi 3
· Sound Grenade
Tickets: $5 @the door
10:00 PM Tickets: $5.00
The Velvet Lounge, 10 Woods Corner Road, East Setauket, NY 11733, 631-751-4845

Find The Velvet Lounge on

March 14
Yes, You can talk to the Angels!
Have you wanted to know how the angelic realm communicates with us? In this informative workshop you will learn about connecting with the Divine ~ It's simple once you know the various ways the Angels talk to us!

* Clairvoyance: Clear seeing

* Clairsentience: Clear feeling

* Claircognizance: Clear knowing

* Clairaudience: Clear hearing

Trust the guidance you receive from the angelic realm!

*Kathy will offer individual angelic messages.
cost: $30.00 time: 7:00
location: 28 Jones street, Suite 104 Setauket ny
organization: Kathy Bradley and the Angels
contact:Kathy Bradley phone: 516-635-7248

Find Kathy Bradley on

March 16
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
WMHO Educational and Cultural center join us for a great evening including entertainer Ed Ryan who has performed at the opening ceremonies of New York City's St. Patrick's Day Parade and headlined for Ray Romano and many more!
631 689 5888

Visit WMHO on

March 16
What You Can Do to Have Healthy Digestion and Prevent Colon Cancer
· When and why you should see a doctor for problems such as pelvic pain, incontinence, and other pelvic floor problems.
· What you should know about prevention and screening for colorectal cancer
· Why your doctor recommends colonoscopies and why you should listen
· Learn how to Exercise without creating pelvic spasms.
· Lifestyle changing Tips including breathing techniques.
· Decrease Scar Tissue which may be affecting your symptoms
· Control and Prevent Leaking while Laughing, Coughing, Lifting, Walking, etc.
· How to Balance your Pelvic Muscles
· Learn more about digestive problems, specifically when and what type of doctor you should see

cost: FREE time: 5:30pm
location: 196 Belle Mead Road
East Setauket, NY 11733
organization: Physical Therapy & Beyond
contact: Brianna phone: 631-941-3535

Visit Physical Therapy & Beyond

March 17
Reiki and Guided Healing Meditation
Zententions is proud to introduce 'Reiki and Guided Healing Meditation'. Scientific research shows that quieting the mind for a few minutes in the state of meditation has a positive effect on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Imagine adding Reiki energy medicine to increase the effects; bringing healing energies to where you need them most; whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Some of the Many Benefits of Meditation and Reiki include:

· Lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
· Improve immune system efficiency
· Decrease headaches and other pain
· Decrease stress and anxiety
· Improve memory and concentration
· Release negative judgment about self and other
· Increase state of relaxation and happiness!
· Increase intuitive abilities and connection to higher self
This St. Patty's Day, release the old and achieve inner peace, bringing you closer to that 'Pot of Gold'. What a Zensational opportunity to create positive changes in your life!Registration required!
cost: 20 time: 6:00-7:30pm
location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
organization: Zententions contact: Billie
phone: 631-775-6012 email:

Visit Physical Therapy & Beyond

March 18

· Jonny and the Plums
· Jebus

8:00 PM Tickets: $5.00
The Velvet Lounge, 10 Woods Corner Road, East Setauket, NY 11733, 631-751-4845

Find The Velvet Lounge on

March 19

· Memphis Crawl
Tickets: $5.00
10:00 PM Tickets: $5.00
The Velvet Lounge, 10 Woods Corner Road, East Setauket, NY 11733, 631-751-4845

Find The Velvet Lounge on

March 18, 19, 20
Book Sale and Granny's Attic Fubndraiser
Fabulous sale features a vast array of books in very good to excellent condition . 75% hardcover. Wide selection to appeal to all - 100% donated, Over 50 Categories! Fiction, Old Books, Religion, Inspirational, Self-Help, Sports/Hobbies, Children's, Travel, Language, Reference & More!
Also DVD's, CD's, granny's attic, more!

Cash only. 100% proceeds to benefit community arts programs cost: Free
time: Friday 9:30-4, Sat. 9-4, Sun 11-4 Firm
location: Mille Pond House-Directions to Mills Pond House parking entrance. We are two miles North of Smithhaven Mall, Moriches Road to Mills Pond Rd.
GPS Flowerfield 199 Mills Pond Road, St. James, NY Our driveway is directly across from the Flowerfields entrance with two white pillars.
organization: Smithtown Township Arts Council
contact: Allison Cruz
phone: 631-862-6575 email:

Find Smithtown Township Arts Council on
March 19
Reiki ll Certification-Usui System

Follow your calling and join Reiki Master Teachers Jenne and Billie for an intensive program to become Reiki Certified and begin to heal yourself, your loved ones and the planet! Reiki is an ancient hands-on, energy technique used for healing and awakening on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Used in hospitals around the world; Reiki addresses both chronic and acute conditions as well as relieving stress and anxiety. In Reiki II you receive the symbols and learn long distance healing. Pre-requisite; Reiki I (A Reiki I class has been added March 1st). Registration and payment required 1 week prior to class.

cost: 225 (save $50 when registering for both Reiki I & II)
time: 9:00-5:00location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
organization: Zententions contact: Billie
phone: 631-775-6012 email:

Find Zententions on
March 20
Soul Journey for Couples; Guided Meditation and Reiki
Join us for a group past life regression designed just for couples. Imagine going back in time to a past life the two of you shared and then healing karmic wounds through Guided Meditation and Reiki Healing Energy. Strengthen your bond, create inner freedom and clear away discordant energies that may be preventing you from being fully present in your relationship and in your life today. Registration Required.
cost: 40 pp time: 11:00-12:30
location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
organization: Zententions contact: Billie
phone: 631-775-6012 email:

Find Zententions on
March 20
Connect With Your Deeper Mind through Hypnosis
Through hypnosis one can learn to come into a place of relaxation and peace. In this relaxed state you can access the deeper mind and uncover and release old limiting beliefs, fears and blocks that may prevent you from achieving wellness and your heart's desire. The time is NOW to replace these negative beliefs with life-affirming and enhancing beliefs. Hypnosis is safe and effortless as getting into a good book or watching a movie. Allow your imagination to assist you to connect with your deeper mind! Presented by Birgit 'Billie' Weiss, RMT, Certified Hypnotherapist and Jennifer Wichard, RMT. Bring a friend and you will both receive a 10 % discount! Registration required.
Workshop participants will receive 10% off on private Hypnotherapy sessions and personalized Hypnosis downloads.
cost: 30 time: 3:00-4:30pm
location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
organization: Zententions contact: Billie
phone: 631-775-6012 email:

Find Zententions on
March 20
Healing the Inner Child
Our inner child wants to experience the same freedom it did when we were young children. When trauma, fears, disappointments and insecurities make their way into the inner child\'s world, they can impact the inner child\'s ability to feel loved, secure, valuable and happy today. This beautiful guided meditation and Reiki energy healing event will present your inner child with the opportunity to step forward, feeling blanketed with love, caring, understanding and healing energy as it is gently guided on a most wonderful, freeing journey. Pre-Registration Required.
cost: 30
time: 1:00-2:30pm

location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
organization: Zententions contact: Billie
phone: 631-775-6012 email:

Find Zententions on
March 21
4 Course Vernal Beer Dinner
Monday, March 21st, beginning at 5pm
$48 per person
(tax and gratuity not included)
Menu items subject to market change.
Mirabelle Tavern
150 Main Street, Stony Brook, New Y ork 11790 631. 751. 0555

Find Mirabelle Tavern on
March 22
Nutritional Awareness
Monthly Lecture series at the Shoreham "North Shore Public Library." This "Funshop" we will discuss food, and its life-giving energy. What are "Superfoods" and why we should eat them. Foods that deplete your energy. I incorporate movement, stretching, breathing to energize the group. Open discussion forum.
cost: Free time: 6:45 - 8:45 pm
location: 250 Route 25A Shoreham "North Shore Public Library" organization: Be Healthy Now!
contact: North Shore Public Library, Marcia Johnson
phone: 631-929-4488 email:

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March 22
Reiki Healing Attunement
In a 45-60 min. session, one can receive an actual healing attunement, just like the attunements one receives when becoming Reiki, but without having to take a class or become a Reiki Practitioner!

The Healing Attunement brings in high frequency healing energies which are more powerful and effective than those given during a regular Reiki Treatment. The Healing Attunement can open one up to healing energies; clearing the chakras, the aura, removing negative energy in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It will work to help release any blocks the individual chooses and can even be used to empower your goals! It's like a Spring Cleaning for the Soul! Bring a friend and save. Presented by Birgit 'Billie' Weiss, RMT CH. Registration required.
cost: $75 or $55 each for 2 or more
time: 6:00-7:00pm location: Reveal The Light Within, Inc. 186 Mill Rd., Medford NY 11763
organization: Reveal The Light Within, Inc.
contact: Billie phone: 631-775-6012

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March 24
Thursday's starting 3/24/11- 4/16/11
Psychic Development Series
During this 4 week series, we will explore different topics and expansive exercises that are designed to prepare you for your personal awakening; developing your natural intuitive and psychic abilities. Learn how to connect with your higher self, your inner wisdom, your guides and guardians. In the process you will be clearing your body, mind and soul of negative energies and old limiting thought beliefs; helping you to raise your vibration and step into your power, natural gifts and talents! Presented by Birgit 'Billie' Weiss, RMT CH and Jennifer Wichard, RMT; founders of Zententions. Registration required.
cost: 30 per session time: 6:00-7:30pm
location: Esteem Wellness & Fitness Studio, 631-651-2707 45-C Broadway (next to Bank of America on west side of Broadway, parking in rear), Greenlawn NY
contact: Billie phone: 631-775-6012

Zententions on

March 25
· Teddy K and the Hand Band
10:00 PM Tickets: $5.00
The Velvet Lounge, 10 Woods Corner Road, East Setauket, NY 11733, 631-751-4845

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March 26
Group Past Life Regression
Have you ever wondered why it is that you feel a certain connection to people, places or things? Do certain parts of the world or events in history intrigue you in unexplainable ways? Imagine turning back the pages in your very own History Book to explore aspects of your soul's path! Past life regression makes it possible to develop new awareness and gain understanding while embarking on a relaxing, meditative journey. Many participants are able to bring closure to events from past lifetimes and as a result of this awareness, they develop new patterns that help them to break what they once viewed as a karmic blueprint.Presented by Birgit 'Billie' Weiss, RMT CH, Holistic Health Consultant & Certified Hypnotherapist.Registration required. Participants get 10% off a private past life regression session.
cost: 45 time: 1:00-3:00pm
location: Reveal the Light Within, Inc. 186 Mill Rd., Medford NY 11763 organization: Zententions
contact: Billie phone: 631-775-6012

Zententions on
March 26
Healing with Gemstone Energy Medicine
Join Birgit 'Billie' Weiss for a very informative lecture and Guided Meditation about the healing power of gemstones and crystals. Just as crystals are used in cell phones, computers, watches and laser surgery; they also help amplify the body's ability to heal itself on every level; mind, body & spirit! Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the power of 'therapeutic quality' gems and their healing ability. This event includes a beautiful healing guided meditation that helps participants to connect with and receive the gemstones' healing energy. Bring your quartz crystal to be energized! Registration required.
cost: $30
time: 10:00 am-12:00 pm

location: Reveal the Light Within, Inc. 186 Mill Rd., Medford NY 11763 organization: Zententions
contact: Billie phone: 631-775-6012

Zententions on
March 27
Remember the Ladies: A History of American Women in Song
This presentation is a musical survey of the history of women in America. By looking at the popular songs of the past -- the ballads, love songs, suffrage anthems, work songs and dance tunes -- we can trace the perceptions and realities of women's lives. The music of the day shows the role of women in 18th and 19th century American society. Accompanying herself on mountain and hammered dulcimers, pennywhistle, guitar and limberjack, Linda Russell explores the images in the songs, interspersing the music with lively commentary that includes excerpts from diaries and letters in which the women tell their stories in their own words

cost: free-advance reservation required
time: 2:00 pm
location: Mills Pond House -Directions to Mills Pond House parking entrance
We are two miles North of Smithhaven Mall, Moriches Road to Mills Pond Rd.
GPS Flowerfield 199 Mills Pond Road, St. James, NY Our driveway is directly across from the Flowerfields entrance with two white pillars.
organization: Smithtown Township Arts Council
contact: Allison Cruz phone: 631-862-6575 email: web:

Visit Smithtown Township Arts Council on
March 30
Unveiling the Mysteries of Medicine

WMHO Educational & Cultural Center An unprecedented and extraordinary series begins with renowned representatives in the field of medicine. Hear about DNA and the genetics of cancer, holistic medicine and Lyme disease. Learn how to navigate the health care system and much, much more!

Launch Dinner: March 31, 6 pm. $25 pp, limited space.


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